Mission, Vision & Objective
The industry section of the WWTG is an association of national representatives of the global wine industry that will seek to realize this Vision through:
Encouraging intergovernmental initiatives and government activities designed to facilitate global trade in wine according to the Vision principles, in response to identified challenges and opportunities.
Stimulating networking among key global industry and government representatives to facilitate legitimate information sharing on key challenges and opportunities.
Working with other NGOs, both in the alcohol beverage sector and in particular those groups with a consumer focus to ensure that wine industry interests are taken into account in their advocacy.
Both Industry and Government Sections of the WWTG continue to be highly active in the pursuit of trade facilitation in the wine sector. An important proposal concerning regulatory limits and their verification by analysis is under consideration. Efforts to build understanding of the WWTG and its principles in developing wine markets are another high priority for the group.
An area of increased focus for the WWTG in recent years has been the extension of WWTG principles and relationships to new countries, particularly in developing markets. This has culminated in the creation of the APEC Wine Regulators Forum.
In the future, the group and its activities will evolve and develop. The future will, however, always be founded on the mutual interests that brought participating countries together in Zurich in 1998. Those mutual interests in sharing information and promoting debate on international wine trade issues, combined with a commitment to developing that trade based on WTO-consistent rules and regulation, should ensure development of a more open and competitive wine markets to the benefit of consumers, producers, exporters and importers.
Learn More in the 20th Anniversary Statement
1) To examine, discuss and create opportunities for opening all wine markets to allow a free movement of goods by eliminating obstacles to trade, whereby members:
Agree that differences in wine-making practices should not be a barrier to trade.
Agree that all trade distorting subsidies should be eliminated, not just production subsidies.
Agree to a reduction of tariffs as a means to develop the wine market.
2) To elicit and exchange views on international wine trade through the implementation of cooperation, communication and understanding among the members in the form of information sharing.
3) Create opportunities to further joint objectives through meetings, conferences or negotiations.